Content | | Significance of om symbol in our daily life:-
- Om is the most important Spiritual Symbol which is available in many Traditional Hindu methodology, texts, prayers, and Rituals.
- The Chakras of the body get energize while chanting om mantras which purify the inner soul of a wearer.
- The symbol of om which is a popular form of jewels provides an individual with peace, knowledge, and wisdom.
- Chanting of Om is used in Yoga and Meditation.
- It provides calmness or peace to the mind and the nervous system of the body.
- It helps to reduce Stress, Tension, and Anxiety (Which is beneficial for one's health).
- Om provides unity as it establishes a strong bond of relationship in every wearer's life (by bringing people together).
- It helps to regulate logical and Positive thinking.
- It increases the concentration power of a wearer.
- It provides Strength to the respiratory system and the digestive system.
- It also helps in the Functioning of the Heart.
- It provides Sound and Healthy Sleep to an individual.
- It Makes an individual Emotional and mentally Stable which reduces irritation and frustration.
- Om provides the Power of Divinity to an individual.
- Om blesses an individual with Positivity and wards off all negative and evil energies.
- It is believed that wearing "The symbol of Om" provides calmness, relieves tension, anxiety, and enhances an individual's power and consciousness.
- Shiva blesses a wearer with a Good Fortune.
Brand - Aemorio
Material – Brass, Wood
Plating - Gold Plating
Finishing – Gold
Chain Length – 6mm
Goes well with formal and Casual
Can be worn on any Occasion
Benefits of Panchmukhi Rudraksha:-
- It provides knowledge and intellectual Power.
- Shri Yantra is used for chanting mantras and prayers.
- It Helps to remove dullness, dizziness, and brings spiritual faith and insight.
- It helps in curing and relieving Asthma and other respiratory disorders.
- Panchmukhi rudraksha beads are beneficial in Digestive problems (helps to control cholesterol and blood pressure).
Safety Instructions:-
✓Lead and nickel free
✓Keep away from sweat, water, or liquid Perfume
✓Clean it with dry and soft clot
- Religious Gold plated Om Pendant attached in a Panchmukhi Rudraksha Mala made up of Pure Brass (Panchdhatu) gives it an Ethnic and Beautiful Look or style.
- Om provides calmness or peace to the mind of the wearer.
- Om helps to Reduce Stress, hyper Tension, and Anxiety which is beneficial for a wearer.
- Om wards off all negative and evil energies and brings positivity in the life of a wearer.
- Om increases Concentration power, knowledge, and self-confidence.
| Aemorio 100% Natural Beads Navratna Mala In Thread
- Navratna is a semi precious stone which refers to nine Gemstone representing the nine planets of the solar system. It removes all negative or evil effects of 9 planets and blesses a wearer with positivity, happiness and prosperity.
नवरत्न एक अर्ध कीमती पत्थर है जो नवरत्न का उल्लेख करता है जो सौर मंडल के नौ ग्रहों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। यह 9 ग्रहों के सभी नकारात्मक या बुरे प्रभावों को दूर करता है और सकारात्मकता, खुशी और समृद्धि के साथ एक पहनने वाले को आशीर्वाद देता है।
நவரத்னா என்பது ஒரு அரை விலைமதிப்பற்ற கல் ஆகும், இது சூரிய மண்டலத்தின் ஒன்பது கிரகங்களைக் குறிக்கும் ஒன்பது ரத்தினங்களைக் குறிக்கிறது .இது 9 கிரகங்களின் அனைத்து எதிர்மறை அல்லது தீய விளைவுகளையும் நீக்கி, அணிந்திருப்பவருக்கு நேர்மறை, மகிழ்ச்சி மற்றும் செழிப்பு ஆகியவற்றைக் கொடுக்கும்.
Benefits of Navratna mala:-
நவரதன மாலாவின் நன்மைகள்:-
- It brings luck, prosperity, peace, and success.
- Mala is a good luck charm that provides Mental peace and controls the ill effects of Nine Planets.
- Navagraha Mala enhances opportunities and fame.
- Navratna mala blesses a wearer with name, fame, wealth, good luck, and happiness.
- It wards off all miseries and bad luck from a Wearer's life.
- It protects the wearer from Bad curses.
- It helps in curing all doshas of one's horoscope.
- It instills self-confidence or self-esteem in a wearer.
- It provides clarity in thoughts and enhances self-awareness.
- It provides emotional and mental stability to a wearer.
- It attracts the blessing of nine planets.
இது அதிர்ஷ்டம், செழிப்பு, அமைதி மற்றும் வெற்றியைக் கொண்டுவருகிறது.
மாலா ஒரு நல்ல அழகைக் கொண்டுள்ளது, இது மன அமைதியை அளிக்கிறது மற்றும் ஒன்பது கிரகங்களின் மோசமான விளைவுகளை கட்டுப்படுத்துகிறது.
நவகிரக மாலா வாய்ப்புகளையும் புகழையும் மேம்படுத்துகிறது.
நவரத்னா மாலா அணிந்தவர் பெயர், புகழ், செல்வம், நல்ல அதிர்ஷ்டம் மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சியுடன் ஆசீர்வதிக்கிறார்.
இது ஒரு அணிபவரின் வாழ்க்கையிலிருந்து வரும் அனைத்து துயரங்களையும் துரதிர்ஷ்டங்களையும் தடுக்கிறது.
இது மோசமான சாபத்திலிருந்து அணிந்தவரை பாதுகாக்கிறது.
ஜாதகத்திலிருந்து அனைத்து தோஷங்களையும் குணப்படுத்த இது உதவுகிறது
இது அணிந்தவருக்கு தன்னம்பிக்கை அல்லது சுயமரியாதையை ஏற்படுத்துகிறது
இது எண்ணங்களில் ஒரு தெளிவை அளிக்கிறது மற்றும் சுய விழிப்புணர்வை மேம்படுத்துகிறது.
இது அணிந்தவருக்கு உணர்ச்சி மற்றும் மன உறுதிப்பாட்டை வழங்குகிறது.
இது ஒன்பது கிரகங்களின் கலவையை ஈர்க்கிறது.
How to wear it?
அணிய எப்படி?
- Firstly dip the ring in raw milk or honey for 20 to 30 minutes and after that wear it. so, that all the negativity is washed away.
முதலில் மோதிரத்தை மூல பால் அல்லது தேனில் 20 முதல் 30 நிமிடங்கள் நனைத்து, அதன் பிறகு அணியுங்கள். எனவே, அனைத்து எதிர்மறைகளும் கழுவப்படும்.
Who can wear navaratna mala?
நவரத்னா மாலாவை யார் அணியலாம்?
- It can be worn by any person. There is no need to look into the star signs or zodiac.
இதை எந்தவொரு நபரும் அணியலாம். நட்சத்திர அறிகுறிகளையோ அல்லது இராசியையோ பார்க்க வேண்டிய அவசியமில்லை.
- Navratana mala is made up of Pure Brass (Panchdhatu) and with nine Gemstone tied up with a thread which looks very beautiful and Spiritual.
- Navratna wards off all negative or evil energies and blesses a wearer with the benefits of nine planets and brings positivity, happiness, wisdom, and prosperity.
- Length of mala : approx. 13 inches
நவரதனா மாலா தூய பித்தளை (பஞ்சதத்து) மற்றும் ஒன்பது ரத்தினக் கற்களால் கட்டப்பட்டிருக்கிறது.
நவரத்னா அனைத்து எதிர்மறை அல்லது தீய ஆற்றல்களையும் தடுத்து, அணிந்திருப்பவரை ஒன்பது கிரகங்களின் நன்மைகளுடன் ஆசீர்வதித்து, நேர்மறை, மகிழ்ச்சி, ஞானம் மற்றும் செழிப்பு ஆகியவற்றைக் கொண்டுவருகிறார்.
மாலாவின் நீளம்: தோராயமாக. 13 அங்குலங்கள்
नवरत्न माला शुद्ध पीतल (पंचधातु) से बनी होती है और इसके साथ नौ रत्न बंधे होते हैं जो बहुत ही सुंदर और आध्यात्मिक लगते हैं।
नवरत्न सभी नकारात्मक या बुरी ऊर्जाओं को दूर करता है और नौ ग्रहों के लाभों के साथ एक पहनने वाले को आशीर्वाद देता है और सकारात्मकता, खुशी, ज्ञान और समृद्धि लाता है।
माला की लंबाई: लगभग। 13 इंच
| In Hindu Methodology worshipping Sri Chakra is a traditional practice that is followed in every Country.
Significance of ShriYantra:-
- This Chakra which depicts the Goddess Tripura Sundari is created by Nine interlocking triangles that shine from the center.
- Shri Yantra is the most Beneficial, Valuable, important, and powerful Yantras.
- Shri Chakra is a symbol of knowledge, Wisdom, and Power.
- Shri Yantra blesses an individual with all good Fortune's at the time of worship and fulfills all desires and enhances Happiness in one's Life.
- Shri Yantra provides Peace, Wisdom, Happiness, and Prosperity.
Panchmukhi Rudraksha Significance:-
- When Rudraksha is worn by an individual with Devotion will wipe out all sins made by him/her and provides an individual with Emotional and mental stability.
Benefits of Panchmukhi Rudraksha:-
- It wards off the malefic or adverse effects of Planet Jupiter.
- It provides knowledge and intellectual Power.
- Shri Yantra is used for chanting mantras and prayers.
- It helps to remove dullness, dizziness, and brings spiritual faith and insight.
- It helps in curing and relieving Asthma and other respiratory disorders.
- Panchmukhi rudraksha beads are beneficial in Digestive problems (helps to control cholesterol and blood pressure).
Brand - Aemorio
Material – Brass, Wood
Plating - Gold Plating
Finishing – Gold
Chain length – 6mm
Occasion – Every day, Religious
Can be gifted to your loved ones
Safety Instructions:-
✓Lead and nickel free
✓Keep away from sweat, water, or liquid Perfume
✓Clean it with a dry and soft cloth
- Gold plated Shri Yantra locket made up of Pure Brass (Panchdhatu) attached in a Five face Rudraksha mala gives it an Ethnic and Religious style.
- Shri Yantra is one of the most auspicious Powerful Yantra in Upanishads which blesses a wearer with Joy Happiness, mental peace, and self-confidence.
| Significance of Lord Shiva:-
- Lord Shiva helps in strengthening the Power, knowledge of an individual.
- Lord Shiva helps to regulate logical and positive thinking in an individual mind.
- Rudraksha locket would provide a peaceful and happy life by providing health, empowerment, and fearless life.
- This Rudraksha pendant increases the concentration power and confidence of a wearer.
- It wards of wearer bad habits and addictions.
- It helps in curing diseases and digestive problems like acidity, flatulence, fistula, and blood pressure.
- This Rudraksha helps a wearer in meditation, Yoga and to grow spiritually.
- When Rudraksha is worn by an individual with Devotion it will wipe out all sins made by him/her and provides an individual with
- Emotional and mental stability.
Benefits of Panchmukhi Rudraksha:-
- It wards off the malefic or adverse effects of Planet Jupiter.
- It provides knowledge and intellectual Power.
- It is used for chanting mantras and prayers.
- It helps to remove dullness, dizziness, and brings spiritual faith and insight.
- It helps in curing and relieving Asthma and other respiratory disorders.
- Panchmukhi Rudraksha beads are beneficial in Digestive problems (helps to control cholesterol and blood pressure).
Material – brass, wood
Plating - gold plating
Finishing – gold
Chain length – 6mm
Safety Instructions:-
✓Lead and Nickel free
✓Keep away from sweat, water, or liquid Perfume
✓Clean it with a dry and soft cloth
- Religious Gold Plated Lord Shiva Mahakal Locket attached in a Panchmukhi Rudraksha Mala made up of Pure Brass (Panchdhatu) gives it a Spiritual and Religious look.
- Shiva is known as ''Mahakal'' is the Patron God of knowledge, Power Yoga, and Meditation which brings happiness, prosperity, and fame to a wearer.
- Lord Mahakal Pendent blesses a wearer with a Good Fortune by wiping out all negative and evil energies which result in sorrows, pain, tears, stress, and anxiety.
- Shiva is a powerful and popular God of Power, Yoga, knowledge, and Meditation.
- Lord Shiva is a God of Wisdom, Power, Knowledge, and Awareness.
- Lord Shiva ward off all negative energies and provides an individual with Positive thinking.
- Lord Shiva brings fortunate and good luck charm.
Importance of damaru of Lord Shiva:-
- The damaru is a well-known instrument of Shiva which is played by Shiva.
- The damaru make Spiritual sounds that regulate create and destroy the Universe.
- It is played by Lord Shiva.
Importance of Rudraksha:-
- The Panchmukhi Rudraksha is very important, valuable, and has great significance in Hindu Astrology.
- It provides empowerment awareness, knowledge, and fearless life.
- Rudraksha is a gift of God that brings fortune to an individual.
Material – Brass, wood
Plating – Gold plating
Finishing – Gold
Chain length – 6 mm
Occasion – Every day, Religious
Can be gifted to your loved ones
Safety instructions:-
✓Anti-allergic and safe for all skin types
✓Keep away from sweat, water, or liquid Perfume
✓Clean it with Dry and Soft cloth
Religious Gold Plated Lord Shiva Trishul pendant with golden damaru and Rudraksha attached in a Panchmukhi Rudraksha Mala made up of Pure Brass (Panchdhatu)gives it a religious and spiritual look. |
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